Гледай по-късно 00:00:00 Документален, Пантомима, Театър WMChat 11 (Spécial & en Français): “Marcel Marceau – the Artist, the Teacher, the Legend” World Mime Organisation 22.03.2023 like 0 like dislike 0 dislike views 347 прегледа WMChat 11 (Spécial & en Français): "Marcel Marceau – the Artist, the Teacher, the Legend" With Elena Serra, mime artist...
Гледай по-късно 00:00:27 Комедия, Пантомима, Театър World Mime Day World Mime Organisation 22.03.2023 like 0 like dislike 0 dislike views 381 прегледа Promotional video for the World Mime Day
Гледай по-късно 01:33:17 Документален, Драма, Кино, Пантомима, Театър Interview with Jesse Eisenberg and Lorin Eric Salm World Mime Organisation 22.03.2023 like 0 like dislike 0 dislike views 341 прегледа Exclusive interview with Jesse Eisenberg and Lorin Eric Salm
Гледай по-късно 01:27:53 Документален, Мюзикъл, Пантомима, Театър WMC3: „Body Language in Chinese Theatre“ World Mime Organisation 22.03.2023 like 0 like dislike 0 dislike views 860 прегледа 3rd World Mime Conference: „Body Language in Chinese Theatre“ With prof.Heyan, Head of Acting Department at the Shanghai Theatre Academy...
Гледай по-късно 00:40:09 Документален, Драма, Кино, Пантомима, Театър WMC3 Interview with Lorin Eric Salm World Mime Organisation 22.03.2023 like 0 like dislike 0 dislike views 354 прегледа 3rd World Mime Conference Interview with Lorin Eric Salm Lorin Eric Salm coached lately Jesse Eisenberg, Academy Award Nominee and...
Гледай по-късно 00:45:36 Документален, Пантомима, Театър Book promotion:“Marcel Marceau Poetics of Gesture“ by Patrizia Iovine World Mime Organisation 22.03.2023 like 0 like dislike 0 dislike views 280 прегледа During the 2nd World Mime Conference there were many different events. One of the venets was the promtoion of the...
Гледай по-късно 01:55:26 Документален, Пантомима, Театър World Mime Chat in Portuguese: „A arte do movimento: caminhos cruzados“ World Mime Organisation 22.03.2023 like 0 like dislike 0 dislike views 906 прегледа No primeiro bate-papo da World Mime Organisation em língua portuguesa, nos encontraremos com artistas do Brasil, de Moçambique e de...